The SWIFT network has shared details regarding its new crypto asset transaction trials involving banks as well.
The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) network is one of the most commonly used protocols for international payments. In what could be an instrumental move, the network will start digital asset transaction trials. If these trials involving crypto asset transactions become a success, it could usher in a wave of huge crypto adoption worldwide. The network shared all details regarding the trial in a press release.
First, the press release stated that global banks and central banks would join the pilots and attempt to move digital assets worldwide. It noted its previous successful attempts at transferring tokenized value between blockchains. The SWIFT network also touched upon central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Meanwhile, in the latest trials, the network will try to provide a single window of transfer for different digital assets.
Further, the press release described how different countries were exploring CBDCs. At the same time, disconnection or lack of consensus between them were becoming roadblocks for wider adoption. It termed these regions ‘digital islands’ and said it would try to be a bridge between them.
A senior official at SWIFT, Tom Zschach, said, “For digital assets and currencies to succeed on a global scale, it’s critical that they can seamlessly coexist with traditional forms of money. With Swift’s vast global reach we are uniquely positioned to bridge both emerging and established forms of value, and we’re now focused on demonstrating this in real-world, mainstream applications.”
Blockchains can provide a faster, cheaper, and more secure alternative to traditional remittance services. It can benefit millions who send money to other countries. As a result, the SWIFT trials are a testament to the huge potential of blockchain payments.
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